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political commissar中文是什么意思

用"political commissar"造句"political commissar"怎么读"political commissar" in a sentence"political commissar"的同义词


  • 政委
  • 政治委员


  • Pao yu yi is a member of the uwsa s central committee and is the political commissar of uwsa s southern military region
  • According to resisting and unite working out , kim il sung successive camp , regiment , shi zhengwei , two , five armies unite the command post political commissar and concurrently commandant of river army of reed , three two armies division ( 1936 year , second armies weave jointly no . army from one at one army where yang jingyus leads , these teacher designations change into six division of ) teacher , command resist and unite and teach and for a camp of battalion commanders a no . of army two army groups
    按抗联编制,金日成历任营、团、师政委,二、五军联合指挥部政委兼苇河部队司令员,二军三师( 1936年,二军与杨靖宇领导的一军合编为第一路军,该师番号改为六师)师长,一路军二方面军指挥,抗联教导旅(苏联远东方面军步兵八十八旅)一营营长。
  • According to resisting and unite working out , kim il sung successive camp , regiment , shi zhengwei , two , five armies unite the command post political commissar and concurrently commandant of river army of reed , three two armies division 1936 year , second armies weave jointly no . army from one at one army where yang jingyus leads , these teacher designations change into six division of teacher , command resist and unite and teach and for a camp of battalion commanders a no . of army two army groups
用"political commissar"造句  


  • an official of the Communist Party who was assigned to teach party principles to a military unit

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